2×4 Bench Plans – Overview

2×4 Bench Plans – Material List
Shopping List
Shopping List
8 – 2×4 – 8′
2 3/4″ deck screws
Cutting List
Cutting List
A – A – 4 – 2×4 – 2′ 3/16″ (15-degree angle cut on both ends in same direction)
B – 2 – 2×4 – 1′ 6 1/2″ (ripped to 1 1/2″ – 15-degree angle cut on one end)
C – C – 2 – 2×4 – 1′ 7 1/16″ (15-degree angle cut on both end in same direction)
D – 2 -2×4 – 1′ 8 1/8″
E – 2 – 2×4 – 1′ 11 1/8″ (15-degree angle cut on one end)
F – 1 – 2×4 – 3′ 9″ (15-degree bevel cut)
G – 1 – 2×4 – 3′ 9″
H – 4 – 2×4 – 4′
I – 3 – 2×4 – 4′
J – 1 – 2×4 – 3′ 9″
Drill pilot holes and install as shown in illustration above using 2 3/4″ deck screws.
Like these 2×4 bench plans? Let me know, leave me a comment below. Share this link with your friends and your social media, thanks.
It won’t let me download the plans. This is really the sillist way to get downloads free I’ve seen yet. I only works now and then.
thank you for all you have supplied
The first set of measurements of 1′ 11 1/4″ dont match any measurements of the cut list. Plus it says to cut “4” 2X4s to that length. Do you mean 4 “pieces”???
dude…thats not the board measurement look at the plan…wow….wow
Can you please send me the plans to make the bench?
Looks fairly basic & easy to build. Will have to try it out & see…After my back gets healed up. Am going to use redwood though since it will be outside here in AZ. Thanks for such a simple DIY plan.
Kent C.
Looks like great and simple plans to fallow nice job. I’m gonna have to try this project with my students.
Cant wait to build
Will not let me download the file
I built the 2×4 Bench as per plans I downloaded free. After spending $50 on wood & screws, I completed the bench in 4 1/2 hours. AWESOME!
I built the 2×4 Bench in 4 1/2 hrs.
Terrible plans they need a lot of improvement go back to the drawing board on this build another project not this
Great plans, I am going to enjoy building this!
Awesome bench plans, can’t wait till my husband makes this for me. Thank you so much.
I built this for about $50 and it was a good project. My wife however said the sears were too shallow and the legs to short. Her knees were 4 inches out from the front of the seat and stuck up above the seat level. She is 5 ft 7 inches tall. So the alterations are under way. I enjoyed this build the instructions were excellent.
correction to above ,the seats were not wide enough so I added 1 more board and the legs were a little short soI added 2 inches..
Still waiting for the pdf I donated 5.00 for. Need before 1/20/19
I have already responded to both of your emails, check your spam folder.
In process! So far just found the arm rests too low. Making adjustments. Maybe legs could have been longer about 4″? Would we have to recalculate cut angles for this?
Your plans are. easy to read easy-to-use and handy
Sorry to bother but I don’t see where the screws should be placed for affixing pieces B, E, and F, I am building these for my Eagle scout service Project and I need to know where they are placed before Saturday January 12th, could you send the measurements for their placement or a picture of where they are placed approximately, Thank you.
We are having trouble finding 2 3/4” screws. Would you recommend 2 1/2” or 3”?
I used 2.5” after 3” were too long and were penetrating wood.
I built this in about 2 days. It looks good and works well.
The measurements in the material list do not match the measurements in the diagrams. Also, who uses feet in Measurements? 1ft 11 inches should be marked as 23 inches ect. As it stands, the measurements bony match and not knowing which one to use along with strange sketch up diagrams ,I’ll find another set of plans.
23 inches equals 1 foot and 11 inches. Simple schooling. 🙂
Can’t find illutaruins with pilot hole location detail. Thx.
Built two of these today. Took 3 1/2 hours total. Very sturdy. Thanks.
Was hoping to build this with scrap 2×4 lumber during my quarantine. I modified the plans to create a 28” wide lounge chair instead of the 4’ wide bench. Unfortunately, I am still short about 4 boards and need to find screws. Having trouble finding 2-3/4” screws. Would 2-1/2” wood screws work? Thanks for your plans!
Is there any step by step instruction for this bench? I can’t not find any. All I see is pics and cutting instructions.
Cut list for A does not match the first step cut lengths – they are about a foot diff.
how far apart are the slats
Was hoping to build this with scrap 2×4 lumber during my quarantine. I modified the plans to create a 28” wide lounge chair instead of the 4’ wide bench. Unfortunately, I am still short about 4 boards and need to find screws. Having trouble finding 2-3/4” screws. Would 2-1/2” wood screws work? Thanks for your plans!
What do u use to draw your plans. I’m disabled from a recent accident and want to learn to sketch ideas.
I recommend Google Sketch Up.
This worked out well for me. There there are little things missing in the plans but it was a good learning experience for me. I don’t have a miter saw, so I skipped the bevel on “F”. This is how it turned out. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0W1fvPaD0SgWz7K39zgQx1aAg#Poquoson
Very easy to follow but some of the dimensions are a bit iffy but makes a sturdy bench, thank you
Well free plans do not download 🙁
This is a great bench, I have already built 2 for family members. However these plans are a little hard to understand so if you do not have much experience with wood working try to find different plans. My first complaint is that the list of parts to cut is a little confusing and should be pictures with dimensions and not just strings of text. Secondly, When looking at the list I noticed that the cutting list and the illustration on how to cut parts A contradict themselves. Use the illustration not the cutting list for the A parts. Also, when it says to drill pilot holes and screw together as shown it makes me think that they are going to show you where to put the screws but they do not. Lastly, There are not enough dimensions to make this simple to build you really have to think it through and know what you are doing in order to build this bench successfully. I finished building the bench in 1 hour.
First of all thank you very much for the plans and the hard work you put into them. It’s a great bench with a really cool look. I really enjoyed building it.
But – the plans have some problems and lacks dimensions here and there:
First, there is some mismatch in the measurements between the material list and the cutting lists, especially in Parts A.
Second, it is not clear at what height exactly part C should be connected.
It is also not clear why part F should be cut at an angle, the angle does not give anything, if anything – it is impairs the ability to connect the part to the legs properly. I did not cut the angle and it came out straight and fine.
And finally the biggest problem is that it is not possible to connect the seat (H panels) because the armrest interferes and does not allow access to drill or screw the screws. I had to completely disassemble the armrests to attach the seat and then reassemble them.
So … for someone like me who does not have professional tools (which is why I ordered the pre-cut wood, except for the cutting angles) and is a completely amateur carpenter – it was a challenging project but definitely successful and fun.
An amateur who is looking for a lighter and faster project, it is better to find other plans that are a little more detailed and a little more accurate.
Normally I wouldn’t complain about a “FREE BUILDING PLAN” but I feel compelled to comment on this one.
I’m not a “Newby” to woodworkimg projects and adjusted as needed to complete this little project but for those with little to no experience doing stuff like this, it would have been a very aggravating project.
1. Your diagrams verses the cut list is WRONG. Look at item “A”. My wife is kinda short so it works better for her.
2. To fasten the seat boards, “H” in place after you have installed the upper leg tie pieces “B” is impossible.
3. To secure the cross tie “F” is also impossible because the legs “A” are in the way unless you use a 3 1/2 to 4 inch screw.
Again, I do appriciate “Free Plans” because sometimes I’m too lazy to do the design work myself, but there are so many people new to this that look on the net for ways to do their projects and this 1 will only cause them aggrevation and problems.
These plans were awesome. I knocked it out from boards in the back of the pickup to a bench sitting on the deck in about 2 hours. I still want to soften some of the edges with a wrasp and maybe stain after the pressure treated wood dries out a bit I want to thank you, the plans were spot on, I made no adjustments at all.
Clear concise easy to follow directions. Great job
Super easy to build, used 2.5” repurposed deck screws and repurposed 2×4’s about 2 hours to leisurely build. The arms sit a little low for my liking but it’s great for the kids. Wife and kids love it.
A note for those lacking measuring skills.
1. Cut your 15 degree off the end of the board
2. Measure from the point of that 15 degree cut to the measurements listed, slide the board down the mitre saw and cut the next 15 degree.
All measurements are from the point of the 15 degree cut.
Do it that way and everything will line up.
Board C fits nicely exactly 6 inches from the top of C to the bottom of B
Hope that helps some out.
The last comment was 7 months ago and we are heading to NH and I am going to build this while I am there.. i hooe all the bugs , if any have been ironed out….i wish i coukd build it here in my shop with my tools. Thanks, let you know how it goes.
How do you log in to this construct101? I could not find where to download the pdf I just donated for on another computer to print it out……..cannot wait to get started.
2×4 bench- looking over these plans there is a small discrepancy in the cut list and the next diagram regarding the dimensions of Part A. 15/16” isnt much,, but how does this follow the plans and overall diagrams around in the plans, if at all…..ANYONE.?
Drawing shows measurements from one angle cut to the end of the angle cut. Cutting list gives you the length of the board before you make the angle cuts.
The bench was placed overlooking the ammanoosuc River in NH. The bench is beautiful! I placed it on 8x12x2 pavers to keep it off the ground. Remember to donate for his cause as there is no way I could make these designs alone. Thank you!
Great plans I just love doing woodwork
My 9 year old daughter and I built this in about 2 hours using a circular saw, speed square, and following the steps as outlined on this page and ended up with a beautiful bench. Great project and not too difficult. Thank you for these step by step instructions and diagrams!
The plan for 2 x 4 bench with arms has incorrect diagrams for construction of the bench.
Diagrams on pages 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 for fitting Parts C to Parts A at the front show Parts C fitting flush to Parts A.
Diagrams on pages 3 and 4 for fitting Parts C to Parts A have an overhang at the top of Parts C for fitting Parts H to Parts C.
If Parts C are fitted to Parts A with no overhang, Part H at the rear must be ripped to 2 1/2 inches for proper fitting of Parts H.
I did not pick up on this discrepancy on the first bench I made but realized my error and the second bench I made was okay.
Im trying to find some reference point or measurements to place board G. And unsure of how big of a gap to leave between slats.
Hi, hoping for some help… on the 2×4 outdoor bench plan, some of the cut measurements are listing like ‘(A) 4 – 2×4 – 26-5/16 in.’. What does that mean? 26.5 inch? Or 26 inch? Sorry, confusing!!
An absolute headache. So many details left out. The plans are weak and incomplete and you have to improvise all the way through. Would not recommend it at all to a beginner. However have finished assembly at last. Have to plug screw holes with dowels, cut and sand ( this is just me as I don’t like open and visible screw heads), then final sanding before three coats of light oak varnish. Then out into the front garden it goes.