Playhouse plans, plans include free PDF download (link at bottom of blog post), step-by-step illustrated instructions, material list with shopping list and cutting list.
Playhouse Plans – Overview

Playhouse Plans – Material List
Shopping List
Shopping List
(material for door and window not included)
9 – 2×4 pressure treated – 8′
2 – 4×4 – pressure treated – 8′
2 – 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood – 4’x8′ sheet
Wall Frame
11 – 2×4 – 8′
9 – 2×4 – 10′
2 – 4×4 – 10′
1 – 4×4 – 8′
Roof Truss
5 – 2×4 – 12
5 – 2×4 – 8′
Exterior Siding
8 – t1-11 exterior siding – 4’x8′ sheet
Roof Deck
3 – 1/2″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheet
1 – 1/4″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheet
8 – 1×4 – 8′
2 – 1×6 – 10′
2 – 2×6 – 12′
3 1/2″ nails
2″ nails
1 1/2″ finishing nails
2 1/2″ finishing nails
roof felt
drip edge
Cutting List
Cutting List
(material for door and window not included)
2 – 2×4 pressure treated – 8′
7 – 2×4 pressure treated – 7′ 9″
2 – 4×4 pressure treated – 8′
2 – 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood – 4’x8′ sheet
Wall Frame
4 – 2×4 – 8′
18 – 2×4 – 5′
4 – 2×4 – 5′ 5″
4 – 4×4 – 4′ 11 1/2″
1 – 4×4 – 8′
3 – 2×4 – (cut to size for porch rail)
Roof Truss
10 – 2×4 – 5′ 5 9/16″ (30-degree angle cuts on both ends in same direction)
5 – 2×4 – 8′ – (60-degree angle cuts on both ends in opposite direction)
Exterior Siding
8 – t1-11 exterior siding – 4’x8′ sheet (cut to size)
Roof Deck
3 – 1/2″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheet (cut to size)
1 – 1/4″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheet (cut to size)
8 – 1×4 – 8′ (cut to size)
2 – 1×6 – 10′ (cut to size)
2 – 2×6 – 12′ (cut to size)
Wall Frame
The wall frames are built using 2×4 lumber.
Front and Back Wall Frame:
For door and window details see:
Cut four 2×4’s to 8′ long for the plate, and ten 2×4’s to 5′ long for the wall studs.
Assemble as shown on illustration above, nail 3 1/2″ nails through the plate and into the wall stud.
Right and Left Wall Frame:
For door and window details see:
Cut four 2×4’s to 5′ 5″ long for the plate and eight 2×4’s to 5′ for the wall studs.
Assemble as shown on illustration above, nail 3 1/2″ nails through the plate and into the wall stud.
Roof Truss
people can easily build this playhouse with above instructions
I just love your DIY you do a great job of showing how to. Thank you very much.
I can’t thank you enough for all of your valuable time and knowledge! The fact that you have put all of this information online with free downloads is much appreciated. Now I am about to ask you a question that I feel pretty sheepish about. It belongs ùnder the heading: never satisfied. My county won’t let me build larger than 12′ x 12′ without a permit. I like your 10′ x 12′ shed, but not the gambrell roof. I would love this playhouse in an adult size. I would especially like to have a porch for the shed. Do you know of a way that I could -add a few feet to a shed ? Subtract a few feet? Or modify your designs to get the dimensions I need? Thanks !
How long did it take to build from start to finish?
Difficulty level for the inexperienced builder?
Summer is almost and would love to build this for our kids before school is out. About how much did all the supplies cost you?
Just did a quick run through at Menards online and it came up to around $850 without windows, doors, or fasteners.
How much did this whole project cost?
Michael –
I just built this, except we scaled up to a 7′ ceiling height. Total cost is right around $1,000-1,500, we built a climber and swing set at the same time so it’s hard to give you an exact amount. I used a local lumber yard for the bulk of the lumber and Menard’s for almost everything else.
Could be adapted easily to be a backyard office?
What is windows do you have in this
How difficult would it be to scale this up to 10′ or 12′?
Bob, Did you ever receive a reply about your question? I too would like to build this playhouse in a
10′ x 10′ or 10′ x 12′.
I would like to know as well. im thinking of doing a 12×20 shed with a garage door on the side and regular door on the front.
It takes some thought (adding another truss or 2 to the roof line) and extra lumber but everything else should stay the same. I just built with a 7′ ceiling instead of the 5′ in the plan with no problems. I would definitely recommend making ceiling at least 6-7′ if scaling to a 10’x10′ or more.
Thank you very much
What size windows were used? Were they shed type?
Working on this project with students in highschool. I guess I should have taken more time to look at the plans. Material list is incorrect for the number and size of 2x4s needed, hopefully everything else is correct. The wall plans do not show how to frame the windows or door. I don’t have small children so I was relying on the plans to show me how big everything should be. Find another set of plans.
Thank you so much for this platform Yo!!!!
Please email me the play house plans.
Do you have playhouse plans for 4 x 6 or 5 x 8 for kids?