Shed Plans 10×12 Gable Shed – Step-By-Step

Free 10x12 gable shed plans, DIY build project

Shed plans 10×12, with gable roof. Plans include a free PDF download (link at bottom of blog post), step-by-step details, drawings, measurements, shopping list, and cutting list.

Shed Plans 10×12 Gable Shed – Overview

Shed Plans 10×12 Gable Shed – Material List

Shopping List

Shopping List

(material for door & window not included below)


2 – pressure treated 2×6 – 12′

10 – pressure treated 2×6 – 10′

3 – pressure treated 4×4 – 12′

4 – 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood – 4’x8′ sheet

Wall Frames

6 – 2×4 – 12′

46 – 2×4 – 8′

6 – 2×4 – 10′

Roof Frame – Rafters/Truss

28 – 2×4 – 8′

10 – 2×4 – 10′


13 – 5/8″ t1-11 exterior siding – 4’x8′ sheet

Roof Trim

4 – 2×6 – 8′

Roof Deck

8 – 1/2″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheet

Corner Trim

4 – 1×4 – 8′

4 – 1×4 – 10′


3 1/2″ galvanized nails

2″ deck screws

2″ galvanized nails

1 1/4″ galvanized finishing nails


roof tacks

roofing felt


drip edge

Cutting List

Cutting List

(material for door & window not included below)


2 – pressure treated 2×6 – 12′

10 – pressure treated 2×6 – 9′ 9″

3 – pressure treated 4×4 – 12′

4 – 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood – 4’x8′ sheet (cut to size)

Wall Frames

4 – 2×4 – 12′

2 – 2×4 – 11′ 5″

46 – 2×4 – 7′ 6″

4 – 2×4 – 9′ 5″

2 – 2×4 – 10′


20 – 2×4 – 6′ 7 5/16″

10 – 2×4 – 2′ 2 7/16″

10 – 2×4 – 10′

12 – 2×4 – 2′ 1 3/4″


13 – 5/8 t1-11 exterior siding – 4’x8′ sheet (cut to size)

Roof Trim

4 – 2×6 – 6′ 7 5/16″

Roof Deck

8 – 1/2″ plywood – 4’x8′ sheets (cut to size)

Corner Trim

4 – 1×4 – 8′ (cut to size)

4 – 1×4 – 10′ (cut to size)

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - floor frame.

The shed floor is built with pressure treated 2×6 and pressure treated 4×4 lumber.

Cut two 2×6’s to 12′ long for the band. Cut ten 2×6’s to 9′ 9″ long for the floor joist. Nail 3 1/2″ nails through the 2×6 band and into the floor joist. Space floor joist 16″ O.C.

Attach the 12′ long 4×4 pressure treated skids to the bottom of the floor frame. Square out the floor frame by measuring diagonally until both sides measure the same. Secure the 4×4 skids by nailing 3 1/2″ nails through the floor frame and into the 4×4 skids.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - floor deck.

Cut to size and install the 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood to the floor frame. Secure the floor plywood deck with 2″ deck screws.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - front and back wall frame.

The front and back wall frame is built using 2×4 lumber.

The wall studs are spaced 16″ O.C.

Assemble the back wall frame as shown on illustration above (see illustration below for close up view).

The front wall frame will have a door and window, for instructions on framing the door and window see the pages below:

Assemble the front and back wall frame using 3 1/2″ nails.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - front and back wall frame, close up.

Here is a close up look of the front and back wall frame ends.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - side walls.

Cut the 2×4’s as shown on illustration above for the side walls.

Wall studs are spaced 16″ O.C.

If you will be adding a double door to the side wall of the shed, see this page for door details: Shed Door Plans

Assemble the side wall frame using 3 1/2″ nails.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - truss and rafter details.

Truss and rafter details.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - building the truss.

The truss is built using 2×4 lumber.

Cut the 2×4’s as shown on illustration above. The truss is assembled using 1/2″ plywood gussets. Nail 2″ nails through the gusset and into the truss.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - rafters and outriggers.

Attach the truss to the shed 16″ O.C. Toenail 3 1/2″ nails through the truss and into the wall frame.

Cut to size and install the siding using 1 1/4″ finishing nails. Install doors, and windows.

To build the 1′ overhand cut the 2×4’s outriggers as shown above. Notch as shown on illustration above and install the outriggers using 3 1/2″ nails.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - roof trim.

Once the outriggers have been installed cut to size the 2×6 lumber for the roof trim as shown on illustration above and install with 3 1/2″ nails.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - 2x4 blocks.

Cut 2×4 blocks to size and install between the rafters with 3 1/2″ nails.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - siding block.

Cut t1-11 siding to size and install between the rafters as shown on illustration above. Use 1 1/4″ finishing nails to install.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - roof deck.

Measure, cut, and install the 1/2″ plywood for the roof deck.

Shed plans 10x12 gable shed - shingles and trim.

Install the roofing felt, drip edge, and shingles.

Install the 1×4 trim corner trim.

Like these 10×12 shed plans? Let me know, leave me a comment below. Share this link with your friends and your social media, thanks.


  1. Really like the plan but as a novice joiner do you have anything a bit more basic

    • There is plenty of videos on how to construct these. Even beginners can cut the boards to the right sizes needed for the most difficult parts, Roof truss. Go to youtube and fill in search area with your size shed and you can watch many of them being built and explained for you the details. You can also build these without any over hang which makes it easier as well.

  2. Awesome plans but, can you make a 10×12 lean to shed plan? Please?

  3. How do I download a project

    • Just click on the size you want and it automatically shows the plans, the material lists and cuts. I didn’t have to down load mine. Anytime you see download beware though as you could be downloading something that is not the plans or instructions but something tied to these that publishers trick people into loading on their computers.

    • 06/09/2019
      Hello. Your website and the plans provided here are awesome. Thank you very, very much. I am planning to build the 10 × 12 garden shed next week , thanks

  4. Help anybody , how can I download a project

  5. Hello. Your website and the plans provided here are awesome. Thank you very, very much. I am planning to build the 8×8 garden shed this month, with a due date of September 1st.

    Question… Is is possible to obtain a copy of the sketchup file for this 8×8 Garden Shed? Thanks for your time.

  6. Thanks for the plans! Very easy to follow and construct. This was my first attempt building a shed and the framing went a lot easier than I thought. I did it all by myself so it took me three weekends to complete. The only thing I hd to research more was how to shingle a shed but there was plenty of videos on YouTube to help me out. I put some extra trim on my shed to spruce it up a little more. Thanks again for the plans I enjoyed building it.

    • Can you show me a side view with the bigger door? Looks fantastic. This is exactly what I’m looking to do and I think this is a better choice than the ones at Home Depot. Thank you

      • Here is the side view. I didn’t construct the roof overhang on the backside of the shed since this was facing towards the woods. I looked at the sheds at Home Depot and Lowes. They are good if you want something quick, but I wanted something that would last and I wanted more head room. This shed is perfect and it was easy to build and gives me 8 feet of head room.

        • This will be my first building project. For the materials, do you recommend a lumber yard? I’m coming up with a different figure of around $1650 for the shell alone through a place like lowes.

          • Rick P. ("I Wood if I Could")

            Different suppliers offer different qualities of products and you get what you pay for. Lowes typically has a better grade of building products, but this is a shed. It is unlikely that you are going to drywall the inside or other things that would warrant the best lumber. That being said, you can usually get pretty good wood, etc at the lower priced retailers with a little sorting through the woodpile. The things that will show — such as the exterior trim — might be nicer with better wood, but remember that caulk and good paint work wonders.

    • Hi,
      Can you give me an idea of what your total cost was? I trying to weight the difference of making one or just buying one.
      Thanks in advance.

      • My total cost was just around $1,400 (I already had a window and door which I used on the front of the shed). I know you could make this shed much cheaper (probably under $1,000) but i used exterior 3/4 plywood for the floor and 3/4 exterior siding (and pressure treated lumber for the base structure and the wall studs). I also used plywood and architectural shingles for the roof. The base and flooring of the structure ran me about $300 (sheathing, 2×6’s and screws), the siding was about $400 (it was $50 per sheet and you need 8). The lumber and nails for the walls and roof trusses was about $275. The roof (with shingles, felt paper and drip edge) cost about $250. Then about another $200 for the trim boards, benjamin moore stain, hinges, and a lock set. I do need to still make a ramp for the side so it is easier for my tractor and snowblower to get in and out. (I had fun building this shed and the plans were easy to follow or modify). If you have the time (a couple of weekends) and like to take on a project then I would say make the shed you won’t be disappointed. This shed is solid and probably one in similar quality would have cost me around $3,000 in my opinion (I live in NY). (If you do build it think about asking a friend to help out for a weekend. I built this myself but it would have been nice to have an extra hand when it came time to installing the roof (would save you a lot of trips going up and down the ladder).

        • Hi Matthew,

          Can you confirm that the material list under the Wall Frames section that calls for 6- 2x6x10 is wrong and they mean 6- 2x4x10? I was so confused at the store until I realized when I got home that in the cutting list it seems to switch to 4- 2x4x9.5 and 2- 2x4x10.


        • I would like to see your price list because there is noway in NJ you will be able to build this shed for under $1000 I am up too $1600 without any doors or windows or paint

      • And how much does it weigh? Need to move it with a skidsteer.

  7. Can the roof trusses be modified to accommodate a loft?

    • Rick P. ("I Wood if I Could")

      I built my trusses from 2×6’s and left out the King Posts. I used some hurricane ties and additional blocking to make sure the roof was strong. Then you can floor the “loft” to suit your needs. I would recommend that you put the plywood floor in place before you roof the shed. The first time I built one of these, I had to cut my plywood up a little to get it between the trusses.

  8. Is this able to be modified easily to be longer or wider?

  9. if i pour a concrete driveway up to the shed how do i keep water from going under it? the shed will have pavers on one side and concrete on the other with dirt on the other 2 sides

  10. It doesn’t say in the plans if the tongue and groove floor plywood is Pressure treated is that recommed or could you use just regular t&g since its already so high off the ground.

    • I would recommend pressure treated. It costs a little more but it will protect the floor above and below.

  11. How would you secure this to a windy area with frost line? I live up north.

    • Dan,

      I have the same problems, windy and cold winters. I think twelve 4×4 concrete piers as close to the ground as possible allowing all to be levelled. I will add 6 inches of a 4×4 with a hole in the middle. I can attach the 2×6 inch floor joists to the six inches of 4×4 and drive rebar down through the hole securing all the piers.

  12. Very nice plans, great job. I am moderate-semi experienced in carpentry so these plans just made the job a little easier, especially the supplies list. I added windows to both sides instead of the front. Built the whole thing by myself in 5 loooong days. Built the door myself, I wanted it big so it’s a single 40×78″ with 4 heavy duty hinges.

  13. I’m a beginner. I see the wall frame, but I don’t see how to attach the window and door to the wall.
    What are the measuements for the window?
    What are the measurments for the door?
    What I mean is, how tall and how wide are the window and door?
    Should I purchase the window first, then make sure the same size is cut out of the wall framing?
    Are some steps missing?

  14. Really like the plans. now I can put together a cost so i can convince my wife it is better to build on a concrete floor rather than buy pre built on skids for more money. (hopefully). I did have trouble navigating the “my converter hub” download. Thanks for providing these plans. I hope all the clicks don’t me in trouble later.

  15. Outstanding! Plans are super easy to follow and laid out concisely. I’ll definitely check out more of your plans.

  16. Thanks for the shed amazing step by step plans. I was wondering if you knew how many pounds of the hardware(nails, screws, tacks and staples) you would need?

  17. How much should this plan realistically cost?

  18. Michael Johnson

    Rough cost of supplies? I am thinking over 500.00 perhaps 1000+?

  19. Hi, you have beautiful shed. Thank you so much for the instructions. I like to build this shed. Show how can’t download the pdf? How do I download this plan shed? Please help! You’re awesome!! Thank you!

  20. The 10′ wall stud placement doesn’t line up with the 4×8 siding placement shown on the pictures? Am I wrong?

  21. I know that this probably sounds like a dumb comment, but you might want to clarify how the length dimensions for boards that are cut on an angle (for roof trusses) are measured.
    Is the dimension shown the shortest edge or the longest edge?

  22. Can you give me a ballpark estimate of material costs for this shed?
    I’m in Northern California

    • Mark Von Thaden

      I just purchased the materials and will be building the shed starting this weekend I grabbed a few extra 2×4 studs just in case and it ran (with hardware and nails) about $1150 from Home Depot. I am near Sacramento.

  23. Has anyone purchased the materials through a big box store like Lowes or Home Depot? What was your all in material cost?

    • Mark Von Thaden

      I just purchased the materials and will be building the shed starting this weekend I grabbed a few extra 2×4 studs just in case and it ran (with hardware and nails) about $1150 from Home Depot. I am near Sacramento.

  24. If I modify these plans, and go 8×10 foot shed, can I use 2×4 floor joists or should I stay at 2×6? Also, would you stay with 16 in centers on the floor joist?

  25. They have 8×10 plans, the reason for the larger board’s is the size. I’d personally would go with the larger shed if you have the room. Also depending on how long you want the shed to last, not sag, etc. If you will be moving in the next 5 to 8 years you would be fine doing 2x4s. If you are staying dont skimp out playa

  26. Do you know the measurement from the interior finished floor to the highest ceiling point based on these measurements? I have to keep it under 10’ from “finished floor” to highest “average roof height”. Wondering if these measurement will work or if I need to modify. Thank you!

  27. Elizabeth McCoy

    Very helpful, thank you.

  28. Based on the 26.5degree truss angle, shouldn’t the length of the rafter be 67.1” not 6ft 7 5/16”? Just wanting to confirm before I cut.

  29. I am adding the height of the wall frames up to 1.5″ short of 8′. What is the reason for that?

  30. The total height on the plans is 11′ 6″. Where I live, I can go up to 12′ without a permit. Is there any reason not to size the studs from 7′ 6″ to 7′ 9.5″ so that the total height with the double top and single bottom plates is 8′ even? It would allow using the full height siding without having to cut it.

  31. I plan on building this for a mini she shed work out area. Would anything need to be changed since I will insulate and run electric to it? I will install a regular door and two small windows. Thanks in advance. rg

  32. Philippe Janicka

    I have several questions I would to pose all at once. I’m building the 10 x 12 shed with gable. I will be sheeting the outside walls and using lap siding that matches my house.
    1) Would I sheet and side the shed prior to putting up the truss’ or put the truss’ up first or in between the sheeting and siding?
    2) What is the best method for notching the rafters for the outriggers?
    3) I live in Alaska, what is the snow load rating for this roof?

  33. I am in the process of building the 10 x 12 shed right now. I have the floor done, and all of the materials bought except for roofing supplies. I will build it with the single and double door as shown, but 3 windows for more natural light. I have a couple of basic questions, which looking at the traffic here likely will go unanswered by the time I’m done lol.

    Do I really need the skids? I have them on, but I am thinking of removing them before I carry on. I don’t think I’ll ever move the shed, and it’s sitting on a 6″ gravel base that’s about 2-4″ above grass level already.

    Do I have to flash the windows with tape and use silicone etc.? I suppose so to do a good job. I was just thinking about doing the bottom. Also, can I build the wall with the window in it on the ground before I raise it up? Seems like it would be easier.

    I also intend to paint the floor with deckover, and leave off the roof overhang. I may run power wire to it while I can get at everything, but drilling into the side of it later shouldn’t be an issue.

    I also need to anchor it, and using the screw in anchors seems easier especially without the skids underneath.

    I will donate when I’m done because plans like this are $20 on Amazon or at a box store and the time and effort it took to share this plan is well worth it imho.

  34. I plan on building this. Has anyone gone through the trouble of creating a BOM document with links to all the materials for purchase (primarily from Home Depot)? Also, anyone document this build on a video? If not, I may do both… TIA

    • It’s going to vary based on the number of doors and windows you put in. I put in two 24 x 24 windows, and one 24 x 36 window, in addition to a single and a double door. I also put 2 x 4’s inside along the seams where the siding meets, as I felt the joint was a bit too weak otherwise. My siding did not always line up with a wall stud. Most of the list of materials above was accurate, if you don’t make mistakes with siding or flooring etc. I would say I’ve had to go out an buy an additional 24 or more 8 foot 2 x 4’s for windows and door trim, and I’ll have to buy more 1 x 4 trim boards to go around those.

      As for cost I’m at around $2,500 currently. Considering that it’s 2020 in the midst of a pandemic and everyone seems to be out buying treated lumber and landscaping material just finding lumber readily available in the upper midwest was a challenge. Lumber is probably about $2k of the total, the rest is roofing material, door hardware, windows, loads of gravel base, etc.

      I still think building your own is a far better value, if you don’t include your labor and view it as a fun project. Looking at the similarly built sheds at big box stores I was pricing them around $3,300 before tax and delivery etc. and you still need to make the foundation. I can tally up a BOM after I’m done, I still have to put the roof on and paint it etc.

  35. Any way to get these plans without a window?

    • The plan itself does not include windows, that is a separate optional step, so all of the walls you build as shown do not have windows and are easier. I used 3 windows and 2 doors however, and it really helps natural light get in.

  36. What pitch is this roof?

  37. Tried to print the plans for a 10×12 shed but only the words printed an not the pictures! WHY?

  38. What would be done for a foundation for this plan?

  39. Pretty good plans. Although you will need more 3/4 flooring as 4 is not enough

  40. Please send me plans.

  41. I plan to build!

  42. dacotah wenninger

    current minnesota prices for exact material list $3,500.09

    • That roughly matches what I paid for on the West coast with pre-hung steel door and one 36×36 vinyl window.

  43. what’s the rough overall cost associated with this build?

  44. Thank you a bazillion times over for these plans! We are planning to build the 10×12 shed in the next couple of weeks. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  45. We’re getting ready to buy the supplies for the 10×12 gable shed. Is there a place where I can get the plans/materials list for the windows? Thank you!

  46. 10×12 shed plans please

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